Today's Date | First | Last | Sport | Parent/Guardian Name | Parent/Guardian Cell | Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms? | Fever (≥ 100.4°F) | Cough or shortness of breath | Sore Throat | Chills | Muscle aches or rigors | Headache | New loss of taste or smell | Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea | Have you had close contact with someone who is currently sick? | Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past three weeks or have reason to believe you have COVID-19? | Have you traveled or had close contact with anyone who has traveled internationally in the last 14 days? | If you took your temperature this morning, what was the reading? | Form |
Today's Date | First | Last | Sport | Parent/Guardian Name | Parent/Guardian Cell | Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms? | Fever (≥ 100.4°F) | Cough or shortness of breath | Sore Throat | Chills | Muscle aches or rigors | Headache | New loss of taste or smell | Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea | Have you had close contact with someone who is currently sick? | Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past three weeks or have reason to believe you have COVID-19? | Have you traveled or had close contact with anyone who has traveled internationally in the last 14 days? | If you took your temperature this morning, what was the reading? | Form |